C, C++
Course Duration:
C Programming Course Syllabus
- Introduction to C Programming
- Overview of Programming Languages
- History of C Language
- Features and Applications of C
- Setting Up the Environment
- Installing a C Compiler (GCC, Turbo C, etc.)
- Understanding Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
- Writing Your First C Program
- Basic Syntax and Structure
- Understanding C Program Structure
- Compiling and Running C Programs
- Input and Output Functions (printf, scanf)
- Data Types and Variables
- Basic Data Types (int, float, char, double)
- Declaring and Initializing Variables
- Understanding Constants and Enumerations
- Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators and Assignment Operators
- Operator Precedence and Associativity
- Control Structures
- Conditional Statements (if, else if, else, switch)
- Looping Constructs (for, while, do-while)
- Understanding Break and Continue Statements
- Functions in C
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Function Parameters and Return Values
- Scope and Lifetime of Variables
- Arrays
- Introduction to Arrays and Their Declaration
- Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays (2D arrays)
- Strings
- Understanding Strings in C
- String Manipulation Functions (strlen, strcpy, strcat)
- Character Arrays and Pointers
- Pointers
- Introduction to Pointers and Memory Addresses
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pointers and Arrays
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Using malloc, calloc, realloc, and free
- Understanding Memory Leaks
- Creating Dynamic Arrays
- Structures and Unions
- Defining and Using Structures
- Understanding Unions and Their Uses
- Nested Structures
- File Handling
- Introduction to File I/O
- Opening, Closing, Reading, and Writing Files
- Working with Text and Binary Files
- Preprocessor Directives
- Understanding Macros and Include Files
- Conditional Compilation
- Common Preprocessor Directives (#define, #include, #ifdef)
- Error Handling
- Understanding Error Types
- Using errno and perror
- Implementing Basic Error Handling
- C Standard Library
- Overview of C Standard Library Functions
- Commonly Used Libraries (stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h)
- Using Math Functions
- Recursion
- Understanding Recursive Functions
- Base Cases and Recursive Cases
- Examples of Recursion (factorial, Fibonacci)
- Linked Lists
- Introduction to Linked Lists
- Creating and Traversing Linked Lists
- Insertion and Deletion in Linked Lists
- Stacks and Queues
- Understanding Stacks and Their Operations
- Implementing Queues
- Applications of Stacks and Queues
- Searching Algorithms
- Linear Search and Binary Search
- Understanding Time Complexity
- Implementing Searching Algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms
- Overview of Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Merge, Quick)
- Understanding Time Complexity of Sorting Algorithms
- Implementing Sorting Algorithms
- Advanced Topics in C
- Introduction to Multi-threading
- Understanding the Concept of Concurrency
- Basics of Inter-Process Communication
- Debugging Techniques
- Using Debuggers (GDB)
- Common Debugging Strategies
- Reading Compiler Error Messages
- Code Optimization Techniques
- Writing Efficient Code
- Understanding Complexity Analysis
- Best Practices for Code Optimization
- Final Project and Assessment
- Individual Project Implementation (Choose a Real-World Problem)
- Presentation and Code Review
- Final Assessment and Feedback
C++ Programming Course Syllabus
- Introduction to C++
- Overview of Programming Languages
- History and Evolution of C++
- Features and Applications of C++
- Setting Up the Environment
- Installing C++ Compiler (g++, Microsoft Visual C++, etc.)
- Overview of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
- Writing and Running Your First C++ Program
- Basic Syntax and Structure
- Understanding C++ Program Structure
- Compiling and Running C++ Programs
- Input and Output with Streams (cin, cout)
- Data Types and Variables
- Primitive Data Types (int, float, double, char, bool)
- User-Defined Data Types (struct, enum)
- Variable Declaration and Initialization
- Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators and Assignment Operators
- Operator Precedence and Associativity
- Control Structures
- Conditional Statements (if, else, switch)
- Looping Constructs (for, while, do-while)
- Understanding Break and Continue Statements
- Functions in C++
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Function Overloading and Default Arguments
- Inline Functions and Recursive Functions
- Arrays and Strings
- Introduction to Arrays (Single-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional)
- String Handling with C++ Standard Library (std::string)
- Common String Functions (length, substr, find)
- Pointers and References
- Understanding Pointers and Memory Addresses
- Pointer Arithmetic
- References vs. Pointers
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Using new and delete Operators
- Understanding Memory Leaks
- Dynamic Arrays and Objects
- Structures and Unions
- Defining and Using Structures
- Understanding Unions
- Nested Structures
- Classes and Objects
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
- Defining Classes and Creating Objects
- Access Specifiers (public, private, protected)
- Constructors and Destructors
- Understanding Constructors and Their Types
- Destructors and Resource Management
- Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator Overloading
- Inheritance
- Types of Inheritance (Single, Multiple, Multilevel)
- Base Class and Derived Class
- Virtual Base Classes
- Polymorphism
- Function Overriding and Overloading
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Understanding Virtual Functions and Late Binding
- Exception Handling
- Introduction to Exceptions in C++
- Try, Catch, and Throw Blocks
- Custom Exception Classes
- File Handling
- Introduction to File I/O Streams
- Reading from and Writing to Files
- Working with Text and Binary Files
- Templates
- Introduction to Function Templates
- Class Templates
- Template Specialization
- Standard Template Library (STL)
- Overview of STL Components (Containers, Algorithms, Iterators)
- Using Vectors, Lists, and Maps
- Understanding Iterators and Their Types
- Smart Pointers
- Introduction to Smart Pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr)
- Advantages of Smart Pointers Over Raw Pointers
- Memory Management with Smart Pointers
- Multithreading
- Introduction to Multithreading in C++
- Creating and Managing Threads
- Synchronization and Thread Safety
- Advanced C++ Concepts
- Understanding Move Semantics and Rvalue References
- Lambda Expressions and their Usage
- Type Traits and SFINAE
- Debugging Techniques
- Using Debuggers (GDB, Visual Studio Debugger)
- Common Debugging Strategies
- Analyzing Compiler Warnings and Errors
- Code Optimization Techniques
- Writing Efficient C++ Code
- Analyzing Time and Space Complexity
- Best Practices for Performance Optimization
- Design Patterns in C++
- Overview of Common Design Patterns (Singleton, Factory, Observer)
- Implementing Design Patterns in C++
- Understanding When to Use Design Patterns
- Unit Testing in C++
- Introduction to Unit Testing Frameworks (Google Test, Catch2)
- Writing and Running Unit Tests
- Best Practices for Test-Driven Development
- Networking in C++
- Overview of Networking Concepts
- Using Sockets for Communication
- Building Simple Client-Server Applications
- Building GUI Applications
- Introduction to GUI Libraries (Qt, wxWidgets)
- Designing a Simple GUI Application
- Handling Events and User Interactions
- Final Project Preparation
- Choosing a Real-World Problem to Solve
- Planning and Designing the Project
- Implementing the Project with Best Practices
- Final Assessment and Review
- Individual Project Presentation
- Code Review and Feedback
- Final Examination and Certification